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Helping pollinators

Thursday, 08 February 2018
Mary Jackson, Learning through Landscapes

Polli:Nation is a UK-wide, Heritage Lottery funded partnership project, led by Learning through Landscapes, that aims to engage children and young people in learning about and helping pollinating insects. These insects are hungry and homeless but everyone can make a difference and help them.

Throughout the spring and summer pupils can go into their grounds to discover which pollinating insects are visiting their sites. Using a survey, specifically designed for the project, any school can take part and everyone’s findings matter.

Once a school knows what is already visiting their grounds they can plan changes to their sites to make them even more pollinating-insect friendly! This might be creating meadow areas, planting an orchard or building a bug hotel. There are many options for schools to take up, and resources on the website to help them plan their changes.

At the end of the project the surveys will be completed again, showing the impact of the changes made in the grounds.

If you would like to help pollinating insects, download the resources and, when the sun shines, start your surveys. For more information and to download the survey materials visit www.polli-nation.co.uk or follow on twitter @ltl_Pollination

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Mary Jackson, Learning through Landscapes
LTL provides a range of membership, training, resources and programme activity, much of this is linked to the aims and outcomes of the Countryside Classroom project. LTL works through an accredited network of professionals to deliver a UK wide programme of activity. Recent examples of relevant projects include the Fruit...    Read More
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