Home > Countryside Classroom in Action > Farming Fortnight Week 1

Farming Fortnight Week 1

Monday, 01 June 2020
Countryside Classroom

Farming Fortnight is a two-week odyssey through British farming, providing ten snapshots of this vital and fascinating industry. Originally developed for use in schools, the materials are equally suitable for discovering the world of agriculture with children of all ages at home. While providing engaging materials for discussion and exploration together, these resources will also progress learning in many curriculum-linked areas. 

Each day has its own theme, and resources comprising:

  • a brief video, mostly narrated by young people learning about a particular farming topic
  • a slide presentation on PowerPoint which you can dip in and out of to discuss the questions posed and explore areas of your choice
  • detailed notes giving you lots of ideas, and links for more information, to develop the theme for different age groups

This first week opens with the question What is farming? to which the answer might be: A lot more than you think! This is followed by sessions on wheat and oats, sheep, pigs and poultry.

Find all the resources here.  

Everyone taking part in Farming Fortnight is encouraged to share their activities and discoveries using each day’s unique hashtag. This week’s are:

What is farming? # Market Monday

Wheat and oats #Tractor Tuesday

Sheep #Woolly Wednesday

Pigs # Oink!

Poultry # Feathered Friday  

And don’t forget on 7June you can visit up to 13 farms with LEAF Online Farm Sunday! 13 farmers going ‘Facebook live’ on the hour, every hour between 8am and 8pm. We have farmers the length and breadth of Britain from Jersey to the Isle of Arran covering dairy, arable, veg, soft fruit and livestock. If you don’t already follow our partner on Facebook, visit them here: https://www.facebook.com/LEAFopenfarmsunday/    

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Countryside Classroom
LEAF Education works to engage, motivate, and inspire young people through experiential learning in order to equip our future generations with a balanced and informed insight into food production, farming and the environment. As the leading agri-education organisation we connect farmers, teachers, and young people, to support our future generations...    Read More
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