Home > Places to Visit > Stodmarsh National Nature Reserve (NNR)

Stodmarsh National Nature Reserve (NNR)

Stodmarsh National Nature Reserve (NNR)

Stodmarsh National Nature Reserve is a unique and beautiful area of wetland, internationally recognised as an important home to a rich variety of wildlife, especially birds. It covers 241 hectares of marshland on the bank of the Great Stour river, near Canterbury.


Birds such as bearded reedlings and bitterns are completely dependant on the rare reedbeds; others such as marsh harriers make their nests there. Large flocks of swallows and sand martins migrate through in autumn and spring.

The wet grazing meadows and lagoons attract ducks such as mallards, shovelers and rare garganey ducks, and waders such as sandpipers. In winter more of the reserve floods and wigeons, teal and geese can be seen paddling away on the winter lakes.

Abundant fish life attracts terns, grebes and kingfishers. There is also a wealth of insect life; you can see several species of dragonflies and moths. You might also spot water voles, weasels or even an otter.


Grove Road
Near Canterbury


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