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Woodspeen Farm

Woodspeen Farm lies to the north west of Newbury just above the River Lambourn. The farm is a mix of grassland and arable with a herd of beef cattle. It has several small woodlands with native ground flora including bluebells as well as a woodland pond, suitable for pond dipping. Some of the rarer farmland birds reside here including lapwing, woodcock, corn bunting and yellow wagtail. Ermin Street - the Roman Road and the disused railway running from Lambourn to Newbury run through the farm. At Park Farm, Upper Lambourn there is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. This has very rare species of lichen on Sarsden stones. There is also a great deal of historic interest. The area around Park Farm itself is the most important archaeologically, and until the mid 20th century there were widespread traces here of prehistoric and Roman field systems as well as barrows, ditches, enclosures, trackways and buildings, all visible as cropmarks and earthworks. Park Farm is in the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty


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